Friday, September 26, 2008

Driving...Yes me driving

Um, yeah, I can't believe I forgot to mention that I drove a car on Monday. Now, put this into perspective--I haven't driven for 3 months, they drive on the left side of the road, and the steering wheel is on the right side, which means the ignition gets started with your left hand. so i was really freaked out. i came down to breakfast and Peter starts asking me if I thought i would ever drive here. i said no b/c the traffic is crazy and people force their way into traffic, etc. and besides i don't have an international driving license. and then he says he was hoping i could drive b/c he had rented a car for the week and he was going to the hospital and needed someone to take the car back to town. fortunately, i got myself out of this situation, but he insisted that i practice driving in case i would ever need to. i tried telling him i have no license and i'm not insured, but he said, oh you're a muzungu, they won't pull you over, and you're covered by insurance through the car. so he made me drive about a mile up to the road to the gas station. i know that's not very far but i was sweating and my heart was pounding. i've never been so glad to get out of the car. and fortunately, it was right before this round about where no one stops and everyone practically runs into each other. no worries, it really wasn't that bad of an experience. and now i can say i've driven on the other side of the road.

i met for coffee with elizabeth, a girl i know here who has been living in the states for the past 10 years. she's now back in kenya looking for a job. i feel like we have a lot in common b/c she has been massively undergoing culture shock. she was having really bad headaches for 2 weeks. and after an MRI and other tests, they told her it was just her trying to adjust. and sure enough, her headaches went away after she'd been back for a while. we went to this church service together, and it might be the craziest thing i've ever experienced. there was a huge long prayer session and people clapped for like 15 minutes straight as they prayed aloud. but they were so fervent in their prayers. it's so interesting to me how we all worship and pray to God in many ways but that he understands and accepts them all.

1 comment:

ellimaria said...

i would have loved to have seen you driving on the other side of the road. my advice though, just don't try parallel park, especially on a hill :) that's never a good idea