Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Blessed Day

I am so happy right now. We just had another MST come. His name is Matt, from England. I've been praying that we would get along well, and I think it's going to work out just fine. He seems very flexible and excited to be here. And the best part is that he carried my 30 lb. package from home all the way here. Oh, and it has been glorious opening it up and seeing all this stuff from home--skyline, bubblegum, books, beads, lots of goodies. I went to the airport to pick Matt up, and we were looking for someone carrying a big Xerox box, but actually he just fit it inside his suitcase.

The other great thing about today was visiting this home for kids from the streets. it's called BOLM, bowels of love ministry...yes, i know the bowels part is odd. does this have another meaning besides what i'm thinking? in any case, this woman felt God calling her to start this home for kids from the streets, many who were involved with drugs and other bad stuff. so it's a school/home. there's not a lot of funding right now, so the facility isn't spectacular. but i can tell she really has a heart for what she's doing. they sang for us and recited poems, and i felt so blessed by them. more so even than most of the kids from kibera. you can tell that God is really changing their lives. we sang with them too, and they were all cracking up at me dancing around. today was a muslim holiday but also country wide holiday to celebrate the end of ramadan, so we had free time to go since everyone was out of school. i'm hoping to go back to this place on friday and do some art with them. i was truly touched. and to think i was so impatient about getting there b/c it is so far away and seriously took us over 3 hours between waiting for people to come meet us and waiting for matatus. but it was worth it. and i think next time we can get there much faster now that we know what's going on.

some other things:
the somali pirate thing has turned into this scandal b/c the u.s government is saying that kenya was sending the weapons on the boat to sudan, and not mombasa as kenya says. it is illegal to send weapons to sudan b/c of all the bad stuff going on there.

victor and i got our matatu conductor arrested the other day. there were too many people in the matatu--victor and i got on last and i was in the back. victor was sitting by the conductor, the person by the door who collects the money. it's really their fault that they overfill the matatu. but anyway, the police randomly decided to stop us. and he pulled out the conductor guy and was pushing him around and took him off to arrest him, i think. maybe there was a bribe instead?

the kids at church in kibera on sunday sang this song in swahili. the words translated to, "if the devil calls, tell him wrong number." i thought this was funny.

a few weeks ago, obama's grandmother in siaya was robbed at her house. and b/c of that, they set up all these tents for police men to live surrounding her house as security. seemed really funny b/c the woman is definitely not rich. she could have been robbed just b/c. it probably has little to do with being related to obama.

the kids in kibera think americans eat snake.

i ate pizza yesterday. it was fabulous. most people don't like cheese here.

i broke up a fight at the juvenile on monday. one kid had his fists ready to punch the other. but i ran over and pulled him away. where did this boldness come from? i always feared breaking up any fight at the high school.


ellimaria said...

so as i was reading this just now brian tells me that his friend kyle cooney saw the newspaper article from the bville democrat on the fridge and says that his wife jennifer (they just got married, don't know her maiden name) knows you, haven't figured out how yet. it's wierd

ellimaria said...

oh ps! i now have a 5th nephew! brian's sister rebecca had a little boy named nathan paul. he was born yesterday weighed 5 1/2 lbs (3weeks early)and was 18" long. we won't get to go see him until the 1st of nov though.

oh and another side note, i finally got registered to vote. :)