Saturday, January 17, 2009

things are looking up

i'm happy to report that things have majorly improved in the last few days. i stopped worrying about all the stuff going on, and no one seems terribly mad at me for anything, so that's good. thank you for all your prayers to uplift me. i know i'm going to make it the next few weeks, and i bet i'll even be sad when i leave. we had a new MST named Lauren come on thursday. she is super cool...very quirky, artsy like me, and really into singing. she's only 18 but seems older, probably b/c most of her friends at home are older. she's half phillipino half caucasion and from california.

i made slight progress with the stolen gifts issue. i wasn't planning to fight about it anymore b/c i'm so sick of the situation. but the principal at juvenile, also the principal at BOLM brought it up. he said, Agatha, the director, could tell i was annoyed after i confronted her the last time. and he told her that when you don't follow directions of white people when they give you stuff, they'll never trust you again. (yep, true). he said he was working on getting things back, and he really was genuine. he even knew that agatha was wearing the shirt without me saying anything. i was explaining about mom's shirt being taken and getting things here from america and having everything stolen and how i wanted to help there but now i didn't trust people, and i think he really did feel bad. when i went on thursday, the box of beanies was now sitting in the office. they still haven't been passed out yet, but they're not at agatha's house anymore. hoping something may happen with this. we got the bibles out again, and did a puppet show and then had the kids read in them. they seem very excited to hold a nice book in their hands.

we started planning things for siaya. i think it's going to be a lot of fun. i actually got a typed schedule of activities for the week, which is a first. we're working out details for a skit, songs, etc. popo and are leaving monday night. please pray for saftey going to kogelo. i will be without electricity for 2 weeks and we have to pump the water. that means i won't be writing anything on my blog until feb. 1, so don't get worried. basically, we'll be going to several schools to do the same program each time. at night we stay with peter's grandma (who knows obama's grandma i think), and playing with kids. one day we'll paint a school. with popo we'll be visiting schools too, and i'm going to be speaking at the church in his village. i haven't even begun this, so you can pray about God giving me words, fast. i think i'm going to talk about i had to trust God when coming here, and leaving behind my other life. and how we need to put our trust in God, but that we should act like Christ, and so we need to be trustworthy people. as i see it, trust is one of the main problems here, so this is what's on my heart. also, i had to start taking a different malaria medicine b/c we are going to a high risk area. i already felt a bit wierd this morning but better now so hopefully it's fine. please pray that this medicine does not make me sick. i don't think i can handle that again. please pray for energy too. i'm pretty tired, plus it's an 8 hour bus ride there, and i want to be very effective for those 2 weeks. i know this is the last big thing i'll be doing, so i want to make the most of it.

funny story, 2 weeks ago, katie and i went to church and were taking communion. when they passed out the "wine" it looked very funny. we couldn't figure out what it was. now i've had lots of things for communion--grape juice, wine, punch, wafers, sliced bread, torn pieces of bread, etc. but i'd never experienced this mysterious drink. victor smelled it to see what it was. it was coke! katie can't have pop either b/c she's allergic, so i had to drink it for her. we laughed about this experience a lot.

another funny thing today, this short little persian looking woman came up to us 3 mzungus standing outside the supermarket and starts going on and on about her son, and how she's looking for a wife for him and would we accept an invitation to her house. i was in the process of saying we can't when lauren says, "do you have a picture of him?" and the lady did. she pulls out a copy of his passport and starts rambling away again about how this is an old picture and he's more mature now. then lauren finally tells her no and says she likes her umbrella. it was this little kids' umbrella with cartoons on it. i couldn't keep myself from laughing through it all. the lady leaves and comes back again and starts telling us a story of some prince of somewhere--i'm guessing the son was some how connected. it was hilarious.

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