Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Celebrity Encounter

So I met, or rather saw, a famous Kenyan yesterday.  I went to the doctor here (yes, I am very scared of health care matters here but decided to take the risk) because I've been having this pain in my stomach since before I left the U.S.  After many tests at home, no one could figure anything out, so I thought I'd pay a visit to Dr. Saio, my favorite doctor here.  He is the Italian doctor who specializes in tropical medicine and was the one who finally figured out what was wrong with me last time I was here.  Funny enough they still had my file from 3 years ago, and he asked for a whole recap on how I'd been doing since then.  He was telling stories of travelers who'd developed diseases here that no one could diagnose at home but he finally figured it out.  And when you hear him tell these things you can just tell he knows what he's talking about.  Anyway, I was in the lab having blood work done, and the same lab doctor was in there too.  I said, hey I remember you.  You're the one who told me last time that I didn't have malaria b/c if I'd had it this long I'd be dead.  And he said, yeah I remember you.  He was all frazzled and flustered though and proceeded to tell me it had been a crazy afternoon because people kept coming in without appointments.  and i said, oh is that common?  And he said, well we have these Olympic athletes in here.  I asked for clarification and he explained that the woman I'd seen in the waiting room with the nice Nike shoes was Nancy Langat, the Kenyan runner who won a gold medal in Beijing.  I'm sure that was a breach of confidentiality, although that maybe doesn't exist here, but in any case I thought it was pretty sweet.  So again I definitely feel like I'm at the right doctor if they're treating Olympians there.  And my whole appointment took only a little over an hour.  I love Western time :)

Today we are off to see the women in Kibera and hopefully they've made some sweet artsy stuff for us.  They are making necklaces, earrings, and bags.  If anyone is interested in purchasing this stuff when I get home, let me know.  They really do great work and the money goes back to supporting them.  Not sure if I mentioned that we bought some things from them last week and they were so happy b/c many of them hadn't been able to feed their families for several days.  We're also trying to bring hot water to wash the babies this afternoon and then off to the hospital for an update on Peter. 

Have a great day everyone.  God Bless.


Teresa Lichtle said...

Amy, I was hoping you would bring home stuff that the women have made. I am always interested in purses:)I have been following your blog all summer and praying for you. I hope Peter is doing better before you have to leave. See you soon.

Missy said...

Hey girl...I am really hoping that seeing the doctor you liked so much last time has helped you to find some answers to your stomach troubles. It sounds like you're in good hands, and I pray that you find some relief there. As always, stay safe and I'm so looking forward to hearing more about your adventures when you return home.