Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Best Yet

Yesterday Aquila prepared this amazing Moraccan dish.  I had already went out for dinner but I snuck a few spoonfuls of it when I got home because it looked so good.  I didn't look at the recipe, so I'm not entirely sure what's in it besides chickpeas and tumeric.  I had it for lunch and dinner because it has been my favorite dish from the recipe book thus far.
By the way, I lied about the ginger beer...I said it was ok, but that's entirely not true.  The more I tried it the worse it became.  I think our friend Regina described it best when she said it tasted like Pine Sol.  That is a precisely correct comparison.  I managed to drink an entire glass somehow.  The rest is still in the fridge.  Aquila only made it through a few sips.  We thought about tricking our friends into thinking it was great, but that seems too mean.  It reminds me a lot of this soda in Kenya called Stoney, which is a little like ginger ale to the extreme.

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